Subscription Flowers

Imagine having a florist designed bouquet regularly hand delivered to your door!

Keep your house full of fresh flowers with no effort or treat your loved one to year round bouquets!

Setting up your flower subscription is as easy as ordering online.  Select from our range of subscriptions below.  You can choose to have flowers delivered weekly, bi-weekly or monthly (Free delivery included!).  You can pause your subscription at any time with a single click.Experience the joy of receiving fresh and stunning blooms regularly with our subscription flowers service. Delight in the convenience and beauty of having handpicked arrangements delivered to your doorstep on a scheduled basis. Choose from our range of subscription options, whether it's a monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly delivery, tailored to suit your preferences. Each bouquet is carefully crafted by skilled florists, ensuring a variety of seasonal and captivating flowers in every arrangement. With our subscription flowers, you can bring the beauty of nature into your home consistently, adding a touch of vibrancy and charm to your surroundings.

Starting from just £25.00 per delivery, the subscription will last as long as you like. Cancel at any time without penalty.

How It Works

1. Select your subscription level, delivery frequency and add any preferences.

2. Set the first delivery date during checkout.

3. Make the first payment upfront and then we will automatically take payment for each bouquet a couple of days before delivery.

Platinum Florist Choice
Platinum Florist Choice
Gold Florist Choice
Gold Florist Choice
Silver Florist Choice
Silver Florist Choice
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4.30pm
Saturday: 8.30am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed
Our Store
713 Bristol Road South
B31 2JT
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Flower Centre Birmingham - 713 Bristol Road South, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 2JT

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